Discounts, Bills and Blackouts
Recently we held a Peer Connect session around the essential topic of energy in the home. The Energy and Water Ombudsman (EWON) gave us some really useful information such as:
There are a number of rebates available to people who use medical equipment such as electronic beds, power wheelchairs and CPAP/BiPAP machines and for heating and cooling needs due to disability – Fact sheets can be found at Factsheets – Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (
- After feedback from a peer group of people with MD, advocacy has resulted in a change to the law, so that instead of having to get a doctor to sign the form every time you change energy retailers, your medical evidence stays current for 4 years. You should be given a copy of your medical evidence by your retailer if you want to change providers, and there’s no longer a need to reapply for the rebate – its stays with you.
This change starts on 1 August 2021 - Energy Made Easy website – to compare billing – compare all costs both the daily supply charge and the tariffs and the times they relate to
- How to read your electricity and gas bill How to read your electricity bill
- Create your own Life support checklist Life-support-checklist.pdf (
- Ausgrid also has Power Outage SMS Service
- Need help with their energy and water bills? EWON can be contacted on 1800 246 545 or you can lodge a complaint through the website at and an investigation’s officer will contact you directly.
- If you have an idea for a topic or guest speaker for a Peer Connect session Carolyn would love to hear from you.