COMMUNITY SURVEY – Help us return safely to face-to-face programs!

As we prepare to return to in-person services, the health and safety of our members and participants remains our top priority.

Given that Covid-19 vaccinations are not mandated by Australian law, we want to know how YOU, the neuromuscular community in NSW, feel about attending face-to-face programs at MDNSW as restrictions ease.

That is why we are asking members of the MDNSW community to complete this short five minute, confidential, survey. Your answers will help to inform the development of a Covid-19 Vaccination Policy for MDNSW which may influence how we deliver our programs.

Having a better awareness of vaccination rates within the MD Community is another way to inform our health and safety measures and help alleviate community concerns around the return to face-to-face programs.

This survey closes on Friday 15 October. All data from this survey is anonymous, confidential and your participation in this survey is of course optional. Thank you!