Life After School Info Share Session

Last month our Info Share topic was Life After School. The topic was inspired after we received feedback in the Mums group from parents who have senior students who are not sure what the next steps are after school. We had a terrific turnout, with 10 young people attending this session (and 2 parents). Five of those were new to the Peer Connect program.

We heard from the participants about their current study, work experience, hopes for the future careers and questions they have about how to go about getting support for uni/TAFE/work. We were so impressed with the ambitions of our younger members and their openness to seek information and support. We also heard from some role models in our community Jack, Chris and Himanshu, who shared their stories, insights and tips, as well as the twists and turns that can occur in pathways to employment. Thanks to everyone for their participation in the conversation. Contact Carolyn if you would like to get the notes and information from this session.