Peers Connect to Build their Dream Team

Last month, our online Peer Connect – Info Share session discussed ‘Building Your Dream Team’. Kate and Grace from Hireup presented to 12 MDNSW members about how Hireup can play a role in building a team of great support workers.


It was a packed session full of good info and answered a lot questions! We also heard loads of tips and strategies for finding, managing and keeping support workers – the power of peer support was in action! It can be a confronting, and certainly not easy thing to do, but team-building is an essential tool for independence and in achieving our goals.


Top 5 Tips for Building Your Dream Team

1.    USE VARIOUS METHODS – Use Hireup job board to advertise your job; Hire someone you know and get them to join Hireup; Use the search function for who you are after.
2.    USE PEER SUPPORT – Network and refer good workers to your peers, for example connect via Facebook, Messenger.
3.    BE FAIR BUT FIRM – Set expectations, know what you want and be assertive in communicating your needs.
4.    BE CREATIVE – Learn to juggle a roster, use one service as a main service and one as a supplementary service, for example when travelling.
5.    BUILD COMMUNITY – build a tribe of workers (4+) and use WhatsApp or Messenger to keep your team informed and engaged (and cover shifts!)


The November Peer Connect – Info Share session will be about Accessible Travel (dreaming!) so pop 27 November in your diary!